Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Radiation: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Once my scars had healed from the mastectomy and my surgeon had released me to everyday life, I made an appointment to visit with the radiation oncologist.  My radiation oncologist and his staff are wonderful and hilarious.  I really enjoyed my time with them.

My primary oncologist prescribed a chemotherapy pill (Xeloda) and my radiation oncologist recommended daily treatments for a good portion of the autumn season.  Every day, the staff and I would meet, discuss symptoms, talk about our personal lives, laugh, watch me glow with radiation, and then wish each other well.

During one of the sessions, they passed along this bit of Christmas holiday wisdom.  Radiation is the gift that keeps on giving long after your treatments are done.  Therefore, therapeutic lotion  and vitamin e gel will be your best friends.

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